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This is a welcome paragraph about what your business does. It should grab the readers attention and include keywords for SEO optimization. Websites are more than a calling card. They are often the first impression you make on a customer, so beyond a compelling look and feel, what people read there will determine whether they want to become your customer.
Need help writing your content for this section? Visit Mark Brand Boutique to download the free "Writing for the Web" worksheet.
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This is a welcome paragraph about what your business does. It should grab the readers attention and include keywords for SEO optimization. Websites are more than a calling card. They are often the first impression you make on a customer, so beyond a compelling look and feel, what people read there will determine whether they want to become your customer.
Need help writing your content for this section? Visit Mark Brand Boutique to download the free "Writing for the Web" worksheet.
Need help writing your content for this section? Visit Mark Brand Boutique to download the free "Writing for the Web" worksheet.